Fog city singers

ArtisAnal Harmony in San Francisco

2024 Cleveland Choruses - Fog City Singers (FWD)-2032.JPG

Spring Set 2025

We here at Fog City have some big things planned this year: our 2025 will feature an appearance at the BHS International Chorus Contest in Denver, CO in July, as well as a huge celebration planned for Fall to commemorate our 10th anniversary.

Fog City Singers performing at the 2024 Far Western District Chorus Contest in Riverside, CA

But before any of that, we’re kicking off our 2025 with a Spring Set that began in late January and will culminate in concerts across the Bay Area in early April.

If you’re interested in hearing from us when our April concert ticket sales go live, please sign up for our mailing list at the very bottom of this page and we’ll reach out to you so that you can be among the first to secure your tickets!

Fog City Harmonia

Fog City Harmonia performing at the 2023 BHS International Competition in Louisville, KY

In 2019, our partner ensemble Fog City Harmonia became one of the first SSAA choruses in the Barbershop Harmony Society, on the heels of the society’s “Everyone in Harmony” initiative.

Since then, they have quickly become an essential part of the San Francisco singing community, dazzling audiences with their close harmony and lively performance energy.

Learn more →

Audition For Fog City

Fog City holds auditions periodically, traditionally in batches at specific times in between projects. Our next auditions will likely be on April 14th and/or April 21st, in advance of our Summer International Set ‘25. We’re looking for strong, conscientious singers from all backgrounds who readily apply feedback, learn music quickly, and are excited to engage with both their fellow singers and the local singing community. Looking to join us? We’re excited to hear your stuff!

Click to learn more →

District Champs!

For the second time in our history, the Fog City Singers are chorus champions of the Far Western District. We want to take this space to thank all of the quartets, choruses and individuals who supported us in Riverside as we took the stage and delivered a performance that shan’t soon be forgotten.

We also must take this opportunity to express our congratulations to our partner chorus, Fog City Harmonia, for their own marvelous District performance. They have worked so hard over the past year to elevate their artistry, and that was fully evident as they registered their highest score ever in BHS competition.

It is with great pride that we can declare that next July in Denver, both Fog City Harmonia and Fog City Singers will be competing in the BHS International Chorus Contest, together for the first time. We hope to see you there!



Featured Video: “Skyfall”

Visit Our online Store

Powered by our friends at, we at Fog City are excited to launch our first-ever virtual merchandise store.

Whether you’re a long-time member, friend of the chorus, or just a passionate fan, this store now provides a new, great way to represent Fog City on your person!

New merchandise options will be added periodically.

Click to visit the store →